Food & Nutrition at midlife

 “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” 


.At midlife, it comes especially important to taking care of your health through food. 

Food can be your most important ally or your biggest foe. 

Understanding the basics of nutrition and how the body uses food is a foundational resource, because healthy foods equal a healthy body.

Yet it is a huge challenge for most of us.  When midlife demands you pay closer attention to what you eat,, where do you start?   

It’s easy to get confused!

The food marketing industry has become very ept at leading us to believe everything in the grocery store is beneficial for our health.

To make matters worse, the FDA had created a guideline called “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS) that allows various chemicals, dyes, additives, and preservatives to be added to packaged foods and drinks that works under a “innocent until proven guilty” maxim when it comes to these additives.

Furthermore, much of our nutritional guidelines are based on outdated science and data collection methods.  

While it is challenging to discover the truth about manufactured foods, it makes the most sense that the best foods for our health come from nature – are whole, real foods that haven’t been processed or come from a factory. 

Here are a few of my favorite sources about food, the food manufacturing industry, and healthy eating.

Bobby Parrish

Bobby Parrish


I love this guy and the investigative research he does on ingredients and food labels.  While most of his recipes are keto, he still emphasizes whole, real foods without a lot of sugar and junk.

You can ready more about Bobby as well as find a ton of recipes at

Also check out the FlavCity YouTube Channel for tons of great, informational videos!

Vani Hari

Vani Hari

The Food Babe

After being sick and in the hospital, Vani decided to turn her health round by investigating what was really in the foods she had been eating.  Frustrated with what she found, she started shining a spotlight on toxic food ingredients.

You can read her full story and read her food label investiations at

Dr Mark Hyman

Dr Mark Hyman

Functional Medicine Physician

Dr. Hyman is leading the charge for “food as medicine’.  He is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine. He is the Head of Strategy and Innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, and a thirteen-time New York Times bestselling author.

His podcast, The Doctor’s Farmacy is great if you like listening to up-to-date, relivant information regarding all health related topics.  

You can read more about him at

To learn more about food and the ways I have changed up by diet at midlife